Follow these Steps

Access the Online Journal!

Our Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences issues are hosted on Ingenta Connect, the world’s largest resource of scholarly publications. If you are a member, you can set up your account and start accessing the Journal by following this one-time sign-up process. You will need your member number to complete the process. If you don't have your member number, please call 800.424.8080 or email

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Register and Activate

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your information in the fields, including your username and password (username/password must be at least 5 characters).
  3. Click on the “Register” button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Click the “Activating Current Subscriptions” link.
  5. Click the “Add” tab.
  6. Search for “Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences.”
  7. Tick the box to the left of the journal title and enter your member number in the box provided to the right. Then click the “add” button.
  8. Once access has been verified (could take until next business day), the journal title will appear in your current subscriptions list within your Ingenta Connect account.