
Volunteer to be a 2023 Annual Conference Peer-Reviewer!

By Sandra Andrade posted 10-16-2022 05:21 PM


Are you looking for an opportunity for professional service?  Would you like to play an important role in shaping FCS professional development offered during the 2023 Annual Conference?  If YES, then we encourage you to apply to be a peer-reviewer for the conference’s educational sessions. 

Getting involved in the peer-review process can be a highly rewarding experience, whether you are new to the FCS workforce or want to augment your skills and experience.  AAFCS needs reviewers with varying levels of membership, experience, and from our multiple practice settings and content areas.  If you are interested in being a peer-reviewer, please submit your completed application by November 11.  Reviewers will be notified of acceptance on November 21st and will be asked  to review materials December.  All reviewers rubrics will be due back to AAFCS on December 19th. If you have questions or would like more information, please email

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