Within this section, you'll find information on special groups that are either led by or affiliated with AAFCS. These include:
- Affiliates - Most states have AAFCS affiliate organization that provides local opportunities for networking and professional development. When you join AAFCS, it also includes a membership in one affiliate. Additional affiliate memberships may be added for a fee.
- Alliance for FCS - AAFCS leads the Alliance for FCS, a coalition of 25 organizations representing academia, industry, professional associations, and honor societies leading family and consumer sciences efforts around the globe.
- Assembly of Higher Education (AHE) - AHE provides leadership for examining issues and changes that affect the family and consumer sciences profession in higher education. Membership in the AHE is available for AAFCS-accredited programs and non AAFCS-accredited units.
- Communities - Communities provide a great way for members to make connections, get answers to professional questions, access and share resources, and collaborate on projects.
- Leadership Academy - The AAFCS Community on Building Leadership Capacity manages the AAFCS Leadership Academy for new professionals (BS degree or greater with up to 7 years membership in AAFCS) who wish to design their own leadership plan in order to secure their preferred future as leaders in AAFCS.