Published Quarterly: Winter (late February), Spring (late May), Summer (late August), Fall (late November)
- Reach more than 4,000 readers, including subscribers, libraries, and AAFCS members
- Leading journal in the field and a major benefit of AAFCS membership
- Contemporary magazine-like format with appealing 4-color covers
- Required or recommended reading by of university FCS programs!
Advertising Rates & Sizes
Inside |
1 issue |
2 issues |
4 issues |
Full page |
$500 |
$750 |
$1,500 |
7¾ x 10⅜ |
1/2 page (h) |
$300 |
$450 |
$900 |
7½ x 4⅞ |
1/4 page |
$200 |
$300 |
$600 |
3½ x 4⅞ |
*Four-color included in rates. Journal trim size is 8.25 x 10.875 (with text and graphics a minimum of ½" away from the edge) with bleeds extending a minimum of ¼" on all sides.
Artwork Specifications
Preferred format: PDF, and PDF/X-1a created with PostScript from the native application. Accepted file formats: TIFF, EPS